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Please read the information on this page. It contains important details about the website and the data and information provided on it and about your rights in relation to the use of such information and data. You should not use this website unless you agree to these terms.
The information on this website is issued by Minerva Capital S.L. whose registered office is at C/Alcalá 73, 4º Dcha. Madrid 28014. Further contact details are set out at the end of these terms.
This website is for
The information contained on Minerva Capital’s website is provided for general information only. It is not intended to be a comprehensive account of Minerva Capital’s activities and investment record nor has it been prepared for any other purpose. Any financial, securities or investment related service or product referred to in the website may not be available to all customers or in all cases, may be available only where specifically requested and agreed upon and may be associated with certain specific fees and conditions attached. The information contained on Minerva Capital’s website is not intended to make any offer, inducement, invitation or commitment to purchase, subscribe to, provide or sell any securities, service or product or to provide any recommendations on which visitors to this website should rely for financial, securities, investment or other advice or to take any decision. Visitors to this website are encouraged to seek individual independent advice from their financial, legal and other advisers before making any investment or financial decisions or purchasing any financial, securities or investment related service or product.
Further information regarding Minerva Capital may be available by contacting Minerva Capital directly as set out at the end of these terms.
Scope of use
Minerva Capital and/or its licensors own all intellectual property rights in the website. Minerva Capital invites you to view, use, print and download small portions of the contents of this website for your informational, non‐commercial use only, provided you also retain and do not delete any copyright, trade mark and other proprietary notices contained in such content. You may not modify, publicly display, distribute or show in public the website or any portion thereof without Minerva Capital’s prior written permission. You agree that you will not use or induce the use of any robot, spider, other automatic device, or manual process to monitor or copy our website without Minerva Capital’s prior express written permission. You agree that you will not use or induce the use of any device, software or routine to bypass any security measures on the website, or to interfere or attempt to interfere with the proper working of the website.
Risk considerations
You should remember that the value of investments, and the income from them, may go down as well as up, and is not guaranteed, and investors may not get back the amount of money invested. Past performance cannot be relied on as a guide to future performance or returns.
Expressions and opinions on this website represent the views of Minerva Capital, which may be subject to change without notice. These views are provided for information purposes only and should not be construed as constituting investment, legal, tax or other advice nor be relied upon in making an investment or other decision. You should obtain relevant and specific independent professional advice before making any investment decision.
Affiliates, directors, officers and/or employees of Minerva Capital may have holdings in Minerva Capital S.L investment products or may otherwise be interested in transactions effected in investments mentioned on this website.
Accuracy of information
Although Minerva Capital has taken all reasonable care that the information contained within this website is accurate at the time of publication, no representation or promise (including liability towards third‐parties), expressed or implied, is made as to its accuracy or completeness or fitness for any purpose by Minerva Capital, or its subsidiaries or contractual partners. Minerva Capital will not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special or consequential loss or damages (therefore including any loss whether or not it was in the contemplation of the parties) caused by reliance on this information or for the risks inherent in the financial markets.
Minerva Capital specifically disclaims any liability for errors, inaccuracies or omissions on its website and for any loss or damage resulting from its use. Viewers agree to assume responsibility for determining whether any legal or regulatory considerations limit access to or use of information, services or products described on Minerva Capital’s website and for the use of any information on such website.
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Modifications to these terms will automatically be effective after they are initially posted on the website. Please check these terms periodically for changes. Your continued use of this website following the posting of any changes constitutes acceptance of those changes.
Linked websites
Minerva Capital’s website may contain or be linked to websites, advice or statements of third parties and such links are for information purposes only and do not indicate any association with or endorsement by Minerva Capital of such site. Minerva Capital does not have control over such third party websites and therefore makes no representation as to the accuracy or timeliness of such information, has not and will not review or update such information and cautions viewers that any use made of such information is at their own risk.
Sales restrictions
Access to the information contained within this website may be restricted by laws and regulations applicable to the user. The information in this website does not constitute either an offer to sell or a solicitation or an offer to buy in a country in which this type of offer or solicitation is unlawful, or in which a person making such an offer or solicitation does not hold the necessary authorisation to do so, or at all. Accordingly, persons accessing the information on this website are responsible themselves for ascertaining the legal requirements which would affect their acquisition of any investment, including any foreign exchange control requirements.
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Information that you provide to us via this website, or when you contact us by email or phone, will only be used by Minerva Capital and other members of the Minerva group where relevant for the purpose of responding to your enquiries and in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.
Governing Law and Jurisdiction
These terms and any dispute arising out of them are governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of Spain. Disputes arising in connection with these terms shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Spain.
Contact Details
The address for Minerva Capital is set out above. If you have any queries regarding this website or would like any further information about Minerva Capital, then you may send an email to administrativo@minervacapital.es
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Esta Página Web, es propiedad exclusiva de Minerva Capital, S.L. (A partir de ahora, Minerva).
Información y Responsabilidad
La información contenida en esta Página Web describe las actividades de Minerva sin garantizar que dicha información sea correcta, fiable o completa.
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Comercio Electrónico
Asimismo le informamos que la Ley 34/2002, de 11 de julio, de Servicios de la Sociedad de la Información y del Comercio Electrónico, establece que una persona física o jurídica solo puede proceder a enviar información comercial en caso de tener el previo consentimiento del destinatario de la misma. Por ello, nos autoriza a remitirle información sobre cualquier producto o servicio que comercialice Minerva o alguna empresa del Grupo.
No Exclusividad
Minerva recibe un gran número de proyectos y propuestas que pueden ser similares entre si o superponerse, y se reserva el derecho a estudiar únicamente las que considere que se ajustan a sus criterios. Minerva podrá rechazar cualquier proyecto o propuesta, sin necesidad de razonar su rechazo ni deberá devolver el material e información que le sea enviado.
Minerva no se compromete a relaciones de exclusividad de ninguna clase.
Privacidad de las Comunicaciones
Minerva no garantiza la privacidad de las comunicaciones que los usuarios realicen a través de esta Página Web ya que tienen el carácter de comunicaciones públicas y no privadas.
Propiedad Intelectual e Industrial
Minerva es propietaria de esta Página Web en su integridad, incluyendo textos, imágenes, marcas, logotipos, archivos etc. y está protegida por la legislación española e internacional sobre propiedad intelectual e industrial y por lo tanto queda expresamente prohibido la reproducción total o parcial de esta Página Web sin el consentimiento previo y expreso de Minerva y el acceso a esta Página Web no concede licencia de uso por parte de Minerva sobre los derechos de propiedad industrial e intelectual.
Esta Página Web facilita al usuario el acceso a otras páginas web a través de enlaces (“links”). Minerva no se responsabiliza de la fiabilidad de la información, contenidos y servicios que se presten en dichas páginas web.
Disposiciones Generales
La información suministrada por Minerva a través de la presente Página Web pretende describir las actividades y servicios de Minerva pero no son en ningún caso análisis del mercado para inversores individuales, ni recomendaciones para comprar o vender, ni tampoco constituyen asesoramiento de ninguna clase, por lo que cualquier inversión realizada por el usuario en base a la información y servicios de este Página Web será a riesgo y ventura de dicho usuario.
Minerva se reserva el derecho a modificar en cualquier momento los contenidos de esta Página Web.
Cualquiera de las presentes condiciones generales de uso que sea declarada inválida o no exigible por un Tribunal, solo afectará a dicha condición inválida o no exigible, sin que el resto de las condiciones se vean afectadas.
La utilización de esta Página Web por el usuario implica la aceptación por el mismo, de la totalidad de las presentes condiciones generales de uso.
Legislación Aplicable
Las presentes condiciones generales de uso se regirán por las leyes mercantiles y en su defecto por el Código Civil.
Cualquier controversia que se derive de la interpretación o ejecución de las presentes condiciones generales de uso, se someterán a la jurisdicción de los Tribunales de Madrid, renunciando las partes a cualquier otro fuero que pudiera corresponderles.